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Arkansas SR22 Insurance

Arkansas SR22 Insurance

SR22 Insurance in Arkansas

Arkansas SR-22 insurance is a form that proves financial responsibility for either a vehicle owner or someone driving a vehicle in the State of Arkansas. For motorists who file an Arkansas SR-22 insurance form, it is an important piece of documentation proving that they hold continuous liability coverage in the event of an accident. An insurance company, on behalf of the motorist with the Arkansas Department of Motor Vehicles and the State of Arkansas, will file this form.

Arkansas SR-22 insurance policy is a mandate for you if you have been convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) or other substances or have broken certain traffic rules. Typically, SR-22 insurance is required for three years in Arkansas, but your required filing period can vary based on your violation. There may be stricter limitations for second-time offenders than first-time offenders.

Throughout your filing period, you must maintain your SR22 insurance coverage without a lapse in coverage. If your policy is canceled and you have a lapse in coverage, your insurance company will notify the state and your license may be suspended and you may have to begin the SR22 filing period over again.

In Arkansas, second time offenders are treated with more strict limitations than first time offenders. If a second offense occurs, then the driver is required to hold the policy for five years. Offenses that occur after the second essentially multiply the sentence by two, so it would be ten years for a third offense, and twenty for a fourth. Offenders who commit more than four offenses will either have their licenses terminated upon court judgment or will be required to hold an insurance policy for life.

The property damage will provide coverage for the driver and
whomever is driving the vehicle in the case of an accident.

If you or a family member are driving and involved in a accident the insurance company will pay for damages occurred from the accident up to $25,000. If there is damages above and beyond that you will be responsible for the remaining money owed.

Regardless of your driving history, we’re here to help. Ready to get started? Sit back, relax,
and discover an easier way to get the coverage you need.

Arkansas State Law mandates that all drivers carry at least $25,000 worth of liability coverage in the event of an accident that injures or causes the death of one person, $50,000 for two, and $25,000 for property damage. For those who have any of the above conditions, obtaining the Arkansas SR22 insurance form would be required for a minimum of 36 months, but may be required for the maximum of 5 years. If no violations occur during that time frame, the requirement may be removed.

Arkansas SR22 Insurance Page Updated 7/20/2020

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