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An SR-22 is not actually insurance but rather a certification that an insurer files to vouch for a risky driver. It’s a way to verify insurance with the minimum liability coverage limits for drivers who have been ordered to obtain this by a judge.

  • What is Montana SR22 insurance?
  • Cost of an SR-22 policy in Montana
  • How to file for an SR-22 in Montana
  • Montana DUI Laws
  • Can I get my license back without SR-22?

What is Montana SR22 insurance?

If you need to know how to get SR22 insurance, first know that the state of Montana does not require this specific form. However, a certificate of auto insurance might be required, which is similar to the SR-22 form. A certificate of insurance might be required if you have committed a certain violation that then demands your proof of liability coverage. You will be notified if you are required to present a certificate of SR-22 insurance.

If you receive such a request, you can only obtain that documentation from your insurance company. You should ask about SR-22 rates at your current insurance provider first, if you hold any insurance at all. You can also get SR22 insurance quotes from other insurance companies to make sure you get the best price. Your insurance costs will definitely increase since you require this additional proof of insurance, which only comes from a driving-related incident that increases your premiums.

Cost of an SR-22 policy in Montana

The real financial impact of an SR-22 lies in its effect on the insurance premium and not on the cost of filing. The cost of filing would vary from provider to provider but is unlikely to exceed $100. The insurance premiums payable by a driver in Montana, however, increases after the filing of the form.

This increase in the cost of insurance is due to the implicit classification of a driver as high risk by the filing. This high risk status thus encourages insurance policy providers to require higher premiums to account for the legally recognized, riskier driver. That being said, the average cost of SR-22 insurance in Montana is about $3,427 or $286 per month.

How to file for an SR-22 in Montana

The filing of an SR-22 form in Montana is to be carried out by a licensed insurance provider. All you have to do is find an insurance provider that offers the services you need and meets your liking. A filing fee is to be paid for the services of the provider and you are to purchase a policy meeting the requirements of the state before the filing can be completed. The requirements to be met are:

  • $25,000 bodily injury liability coverage per person
  • $50,000 bodily injury liability coverage per accident
  • $20,000 property damage coverage.

The form is to be sent to the Secretary of State within 30 days of the filing notice.

The property damage will provide coverage for the driver and
whomever is driving the vehicle in the case of an accident.

If you or a family member are driving and involved in a accident the insurance company will pay for damages occurred from the accident up to $25,000. If there is damages above and beyond that you will be responsible for the remaining money owed.

Regardless of your driving history, we’re here to help. Ready to get started? Sit back, relax,
and discover an easier way to get the coverage you need.

Montana DUI Laws

The Implied Consent Law applies to everyone in Montana who has been issued a driver’s license and is one of the most effective laws for limiting drunk driving.

By accepting the driver’s license, the applicant agrees by implication to consent to a BAC test at the request of an officer of the law. Refusing to take the test on request may result in suspension of the license.

Officers may pull over drivers that show erratic driving and request they take the test.

The BAC Limits for under the influence are:

  • 0.08 percent or above to be arrested for DUI
  • between 0.04 percent and 0.079 percent for potential arrest at the discretion of the attending officer
  • 0.04 percent or above for commercial drivers
  • 0.02 percent or above for anyone under the age of 21 which is the Zero Tolerance Law.

Can I get my license back without SR-22?

No. One of the conditions to getting your license reinstated is getting SR-22 insurance. The car insurance companies and state government will need proof that you’re doing your due diligence to respond appropriately to violations you’ve committed as a motorist.

If your license was suspended or revoked due to a drunk driving conviction, you might be eligible for reinstatement with the filing of an SR22 certificate of insurance. No matter what the circumstances of your license suspension, our leading SR22 experts can help you get your driving privileges reinstated. Connect with us today!


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