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yy_Virginia SR22 Insurance

SR22 insurance in the state of Virginia, serves the same purpose as it does in any other state.  It serves as a certificate of responsibility.  It is a liability insurance that is required for a person previously convicted of drunk driving or multiple accidents.  In some states, if a person has been convicted of drunk driving they will need SR22 insurance in order to be able to register a new vehicle.  If you have a previous drunk driving record or prior conviction, you need to have proof of SR22 insurance to operate a motor vehicle whether you own the vehicle or not.

Rates in the state of Virginia are usually about the same as it is for any other state, it is no cheaper, nor more expensive.  While DUI is usually the reason that a driver may be required to have SR22 insurance, there are also other reasons to be required to have this type of insurance.  Some of other reasons are unsatisfied judgments, voluntary or involuntary manslaughter convictions, no insurance of vehicle convictions, and failure to provide insurance.  An SR22 is also known as high risk insurance thus an SR22 would be for drivers who are at high risk of performing an infraction based on their prior record.

If you are required by the state to be in possession of SR22 insurance, the state of Virginia requires that you have it for at least three years.  You should be looking at paying the same rate over the duration of the three years.  The main thing is to not have any more infractions, if you do, your rate will certainly increase if not simply expire.

While price and efficiency are important when it comes to selecting a qualified carrier, the most important thing is to be safe and courteous when you are behind the wheel.  While some may look at an SR22 as a burden or label, in the end you were in the wrong to have to get the insurance. Always keep other drivers in mind as far as safety goes.

All of the major automobile insurance providers have offices in Virginia.  With the internet these days, you can get quotes and insurance online and that is where we come in.  Some online insurance companies may have special online rates, but you still are going to see SR22 prices that are usually the norm and will spend much more time then using a simple quotes form.  In short, by using our quotes form you will save time, money, and peace of mind.


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