Zz_Kentucky SR22 Insurance
Even though Kentucky does not require drivers to carry SR22 insurance you are still usually required to carry an SR22 if you have moved from a state that you were previously required to carry an SR22. This is because you must still meet the requirements legally mandated by your former state.
In the majority of states the SR22 form is required regarding the license of someone convicted of a DUI related driving offense. It is a type of arrangement between an auto insurance provider and the state where the insurance company agrees to inform the state if they cease providing automobile protection coverage for a driver convicted of a DUI offense.
There are a few states that do not require an SR22 form including Kentucky. However, if a person is convicted of a DUI offense in a state that requires an SR22 and then moves from that state to Kentucky, where an SR22 is not required, the law follows the party involved. This means that the person with the DUI conviction must still comply with the state’s SR22’s regulations where the DUI conviction was incurred for as long as necessary. It is also important that the insurance coverage meets the minimum requirements for the former state of residence and also for the new state. Since Kentucky does not require the filing of an SR22 form, the need for Kentucky SR22 insurance will most likely not apply.
If someone has been convicted of any type of DUI related offense, it is the convicted driver’s responsibility to always make sure that they are complying with any and all requirements of the past and current states of residence. If they do not meet each states regulations, they are taking the chance of having their driver’s license revoked at any time. Laws and requirements change and since they are not the same in every state, it is best to keep on top of these changes with the Department of Motor Vehicles in any state involved.
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