New York SR22 Insurance
New York SR22 Insurance

SR22 Insurance in New York
SR22 insurance is a liability insurance that several states require of DWAI / DWI / DUI offenders. New York is not one of these states.
There is no SR22 requirement in New York.
However, if you get a DWAI / DWI in New York and you then move to another state, your new state may require you to buy SR22 insurance based on your New York conviction.
Who Needs SR22 Insurance in New York?
If a motorist has lost his or her driver’s license in another state and is required by that state to have an SR-22 insurance form filed in order to reinstate their license, they will need to continue to file with that state. Before moving, it is always a good idea to check with the state that you are moving to, in order to find out if they have SR-22 auto insurance form requirements. If they do not, like New York, you will likely still need to file with the state that you formerly resided.

The property damage will provide coverage for the driver and
whomever is driving the vehicle in the case of an accident.
If you or a family member are driving and involved in a accident the insurance company will pay for damages occurred from the accident up to $25,000. If there is damages above and beyond that you will be responsible for the remaining money owed.
Regardless of your driving history, we’re here to help. Ready to get started? Sit back, relax,
and discover an easier way to get the coverage you need.

Moving to New York State with an SR-22
If you have an SR-22 with another state and decide to move to New York, you won’t be required to file an additional SR-22 with the New York DMV. However, the state that you left may suggest or require that you keep the SR-22 up to date. If this is the case, you can check with the DMV or your auto insurance company to determine the best course of action.
What Happens if I Drive Without SR-22 Insurance?
If you have been required to drive with an SR-22 filing by the State of New York, you must keep the filing current and drive with it at all times. Failure to drive with SR-22 insurance can mean fines, license suspension or removal of driving privileges altogether. The law doesn’t go easy on those that “forget” or “misplace” their SR-22, so it’s best to keep it in a safe place inside of the vehicle so that it can be quickly found when needed.
New York SR22 Insurance Page Updated 7/20/2020 We operate in all 50 states. No matter where you live, we can help you find great SR22 insurance.
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