Washington D.C SR22 Insurance
Washington, D.C SR22 Insurance

SR22 Insurance in Washington, D.C
In Washington, D.C., SR22 insurance is required in a few different instances in order for you to get your license reinstated. SR-22s are required after you’ve committed certain violations with the law. You may even be required to have an SR-22 if you’ve had a series of smaller violations within a short span of time. SR-22 insurance is required for the following reasons:
- A conviction for driving under the influence (DUI or DWI)
- Driving without car insurance
- Driving with a revoked or suspended license
- Having repeated traffic violations in a certain amount of time, including speeding tickets
- Numerous at-fault accidents
- A fatal at-fault accident or one that results in injuries
- Reckless or dangerous driving
- Assignment from a court order
- Failure to pay fines from tickets
- Refused consent to breathalyzer or blood alcohol test
What is an SR22 Insurance?
An SR-22 is a document issued by an auto insurer to the State indicating that you carry sufficient insurance to satisfy that state’s Financial Responsibility Law. States demand one from a driver when they have either been convicted of specific crimes or have failed to show evidence of financial responsibility in the event they are found to be at fault in an accident. Should an SR-22 be required, you are barred from driving until you provide one and maintain the underlying insurance to support the proof of financial responsibility.

The property damage will provide coverage for the driver and
whomever is driving the vehicle in the case of an accident.
If you or a family member are driving and involved in a accident the insurance company will pay for damages occurred from the accident up to $25,000. If there is damages above and beyond that you will be responsible for the remaining money owed.
Regardless of your driving history, we’re here to help. Ready to get started? Sit back, relax,
and discover an easier way to get the coverage you need.

Washington drivers are required to carry liability limits of at least $25,000 bodily injury per person, $50,000 bodily injury per accident, and $10,000 property damage.
The SR22 obligates the insurance company to notify the Washington DMV that the policy has started. After notification, you can become eligible to reinstate your drivers license. The SR22 also obligates the insurance company to notify DMV if the policy cancels or lapses. Time requirement to carry an SR22 is 3 years from the date that the Washington DMV determines you are eligible to receive your drivers license back. If the policy cancels or lapses the DMV will suspend your license again and impose a reinstatement fee and new SR2 to reactivate the license.
Washington, D.C SR22 Insurance Page Updated 7/20/2020 We operate in all 50 states. No matter where you live, we can help you find great SR22 insurance.
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