When asked, 94 percent of Americans said that distracted driving is a major threat to safety for everyone on the road. And, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), roughly 10 percent of drivers are talking on a cell phone during any given daylight moment.
According to numerous studies, distracted driving is at least as bad as, or worse than, driving while drunk. This means that, at any given moment, there are 974,000 drivers on the road who are perfectly sober but more impaired than a drunk driver.
How To Avoid Distracted Driving
Turn your phone off when driving. This is the best way to keep your phone from distracting you. If you use your phone’s GPS for navigation, secure it on the dash, or some other place in the vehicle that doesn’t impede vision, but which also doesn’t require you to take your eyes off the road. Do this prior to putting the vehicle into drive, or first gear.
Set up a recorded message on your phone’s voicemail that tells others you’re driving and can’t answer your phone.
If you need to make a phone call, pull over when and where it is safe. Then, make or receive the call.
Schedule your time. If you find that you’re chronically late for appointments, do a better job scheduling your time. Leave early, and anticipate distractions on the road. If you are expecting a call while driving, give yourself the extra time you need to pull over and take the call.
You can also drive with passengers. Your passengers can take the call or text message while you stay focused on the road. According to California Auto Loan, a rate comparison shopping site, even hands-free technology still cause the driver to be distracted from driving.
Secure pets, and kids, before you start driving.
Technology and Apps That Help Avoid Distracted Driving
Sprint’s Drive First Application – this application is installed at the carrier end of the service. When activated, the app senses movement and disables many features of the smartphone, including texting. It does allow access to GPS, music, and three key contacts.
CellControl – This Android App consists of hardware that’s secured in the vehicle and an app that monitors driving behavior. It’s often used by parents for their teen drivers. The app disables functions like call answering and texting while the vehicle is in motion.
Any attempt to disable or remove the device triggers an alert from CellControl.
Canary – This app reports abnormal driving to parents. For example, parents can set maximum speed limits, and the app will alert parents when those speeds have been exceeded. It also lets parents set up geofences, and alerts parents when teens move outside the predefined area.
DriveSafe.ly – This app lets users hear texts and other notifications, but provides automatic responses so that users cannot respond. It’s a great app to let you know that someone is trying to reach you, while still keeping you safe by preventing you from answering the phone.
Important Statistics
Numerous statistics show that distracted driving harms drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. This list of resources connects you to important government and privately-funded studies and statistics:
Statistics And Reports
The Dangers of Texting While Driving
NHTSA Study On Distracted Driving
A meta-analysis of crash data and distracted driving studies:
Analysis of the Literature: The Use of Mobile Phones While Driving
Cell Phones and Driving: Review of Research
The Impact of Cell Phone Conversations on Driving, A Meta-Analytic Approach
Effects of Cellular Telephones on Driving Behaviour and Crash Risk: Results of Meta Analysis
The raw crash risk data:
Young Drivers Report the Highest Level of Phone Involvement in Crash or Near-Crash Incidences
2010 Motor Vehicle Crashes: Overview
Trends in Fatalities From Distracted Driving in the United States, 1999 to 2008
The role of driver distraction in traffic crashes
Cellular Phone Use While Driving: Risks and Benefits
Crashes Induced by Driver Information Systems and What Can Be Done to Reduce Them
Association between cellular telephone calls and motor vehicle collisions
Some studies also point out that driving with hands-free devices isn’t risk-free, as was once thought:
Understanding the distracted brain: Why driving while using hands-free phones is risky behavior
Additional research into cognitive distraction and why we can’t pay attention to the road while using mobile devices:
Understanding the distracted brain: Why driving while using hands-free phones is risky behavior
Measuring Cognitive Distraction in the Automobile.
Studies and data on text-messaging, and voice-activated texting:
New research reveals that voice-activated in-car technologies dangerously undermine driver attention
The Effect of Text Messaging on Driver Behavior: A Simulator Study
The effects of text messaging on young novice driver performance
How distracted driving compares to drunk driving in terms of impairment:
Fatal Distraction? A Comparison of the Cell Phone Driver and the Drunk Driver
Driver cell phone usage rates:
Driver Electronic Device Use in 2014
Driver Electronic Device Use in 2013
Driver Electronic Device Use in 2012
Driver Electronic Device Use in 2011
What law enforcement is doing to stop the problem:
Longer-term effects of Washington, DC, law on drivers hand-held cell phone use
Effects of Washington, D.C. law on drivers hand-held cell phone use
Longer term effects of New York State’s law on drivers handheld cell phone use
Drivers use of handheld cell phones before and after New York State’s cell phone law
Distracted driving and its effect on teens and young drivers:
Young Drivers Report the Highest Level of Phone Involvement in Crash or Near-Crash Incidences
Distracted Driving Among Newly Licensed Teen Drivers
Teens and Distracted Driving: Texting, talking and other uses of the cell phone behind the wheel
Other studies and summary of statistics concerning distracted driving:
Cell Phones and Driving: Research Update
The Impact of Driver Inattention on Near-Crash/Crash Risk
Effects of Simulator Practice and Real-World Experience on Cell-Phone–Related Driver Distraction
Mobile telephone simulator study
Distractions in Everyday Driving
SNRA inquiry into the use of mobile phones and other IT systems while driving
Predicting the effects of in-car interface use on driver performance
Cell Phone Use While Driving Statistics
11 Fact About Texting and Driving
Government advertisements and public awareness about distracted driving:
The Faces of Distracted Driving: These are real stories of people killed because of distracted driving.
Talk. Text. Crash. – Distracted Driving Campaign
New Distracted Driving Training Program
Distracted Driving Demonstrations
Protecting Vulnerable Groups From Distracted Driving
Storytelling is probably the best way to initiate a discussion about distracted driving. Teens, and other vulnerable drivers, need to know the impact their choices have on others. Sometimes, this is not best handled by lecturing, but by demonstration, storytelling, and creative educational initiatives.
Letting teens listen to stories about others who have suffered at the hands of a distracted driver, for example, may help teens empathize with the victims. It may also help put things into perspective for the young driver. The Faces Of Distracted Driving is an excellent storytelling initiative that does just that.
Consumer reports also details multiple strategies that might help parents protect their teen drivers from distraction while out on the road.
Strategies like mapping out your route before you start driving will help you reduce the need to use your mobile phone while driving. Grooming at home, not on the road, is another simple, but effective, way to reduce distracted driving.
Eating and driving seems like a good idea, and there are many drive-throughs that encourage this behavior. But, resisting the urge to eat and drive will also reduce the urge to drive while distracted.
Familiarizing yourself with the vehicle’s controls before driving will also help reduce the amount of time you take your focus off the road when you need to adjust climate control or radio volume.
Additionally, many of the new initiatives will involve enhancements made to vehicles by auto manufacturers. For example, automakers are being asked to design in-dash controls that are less distracting and don’t require drivers to take their eyes off the road or hands off the wheel.
New in-dash systems may also disable manual texting while the vehicle is in motion.
Consumer reports also publishes a helpful distracted driving pamphlet.
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