Alcohol abuse has been identified as a primary concern for college campuses for decades. Many negative consequences are associated with student alcohol abuse, all of which can impact a student’s education and career1.
Addressing alcohol abuse on college and university campuses requires a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach that targets individual students, high-risk student groups and the campus and surrounding community as a whole. For alcohol abuse prevention resources and programming ideas click here.
The BACCHUS Network offers campaigns to help you address alcohol abuse on your campus:
National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week Campaign (beginning in 2008, this campaign includes the impaired driving prevention campaign, to recognize the close connection between the two topics)
Interested in alcohol abuse and impaired driving prevention materials designed for college students and young adults? Visit our online store by clicking here.
The BACCHUS Network™ has provided impaired driving prevention resources throughout our 30-year history. During this time, we have witnessed the incredible growth of campus impaired driving prevention activities and the decline in deaths due to alcohol-related crashes. However, the fight against impaired driving is not over. is the official BACCHUS website devoted to impaired driving prevention. On this premier website you’ll find comprehensive information on the impaired driving prevention and what steps you can take to prevent it, and what you can do to actually make a positive difference in your community.
Data show that over 9,800 people died due to impaired driving in 2011 (NHTSA, 2013). The data shows a trend of decreasing alcohol-related fatalities, in part, because of the great work that is done nation-wide to prevent impaired driving. To learn more about how your group can contribute to these efforts, click here.
Impaired driving prevention programs are an important part of a comprehensive campus prevention program. Do you have a great idea for a new program, but you’re not sure how to make it a success? Perhaps you need some fresh ideas to give your traffic safety and impaired driving prevention programming a boost. For great impaired driving prevention programming and implementation ideas, click here.
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